Remember my three restraints and a blindfold review a while back? Which was also my first video review? Well, as I mentioned in the review and the video, PinkCherry.Com was gracious enough to send me not one of each of those four kinky items, but two so that I could give them away on Pleasurists!

Japanese Love Rope
Purple Japanese Love Rope from PinkCherry.Com
Taboo Kinky Cuffs
Taboo Kinky Cuffs: 'Don't Stop' from PinkCherry.Com
Black “Pleasure”/Bondage Tape
Black Bondage Tape from PinkCherry.Com
Pleasure Masks
Black and Red Pleasure Masks from PinkCherry.Com

This is the first contest on Pleasurists, and I hope it will get a lot of entrants. All you have to do is comment over there saying which one you want, why, and promise to write a review of the product after you get it that can be included in Pleasurists. Not too much to ask, right?

Go over and enter!

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