I don’t really have a whole lot of lube experience, though I’m working on changing that. The two I’ve reviewed are only one more than I’ve ever owned. Water and oil based thus far, and Entice is no outlier.

Entice lube by Babeland is a water-based lube and is glycerin-free, something I’ve only just become conscious of when it comes to lube. Glycerin definitely adds an easy texture for lube makers, but it’s not good for your “down there” parts because it is a sugar derivative, which means it can cause yeast infections and other nasty things.

Entice is not, however, paraben-free, which surprised me considering the maker. Parabens are harmful chemicals that mimic estrogen and have been linked to breast cancer. Though there is no definitive word if they directly cause cancer, studies show various findings from null to bad, so it’s really best to err on the side of caution and avoid them. That’s not to say I won’t be using Entice, however, but it’s definitely something to keep in mind.

Entice may have my favorite lube bottle design yet. It has a pump, which is definitely the handiest lube bottle design, since you don’t have to do much to get some out in a hurry, just press down on the pump and let it squirt onto your fingers (apologies, I couldn’t help myself). Instead of being a screw-top pump bottle like my O’My Flavored Lube or most liquid soap dispenser bottles, it has a cap to keep it from being pushed when you don’t want it to, which I prefer.

The lube itself has practically no smell or taste to it either, so it won’t offend the senses. It is a very nice consistency: slick and smooth. I found that it turned sticky if I didn’t use enough of it after a bit of friction. However, if I used a good amount I didn’t feel it getting sticky at all, which is a plus. Water-based lubes have a tendency to get sticky in my experience, so I wasn’t surprised, but some tend to get stickier than others. Even if it does get sticky since it is water-based Entice is easy to wash off with just water.

In my quest for the perfect lubricant I still have many more to try out, but because of the ease of it’s design Entice will definitely be one I keep on my nightstand when quick easy lube is needed.

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