Pleasure is my business, my life, my joy, my purpose.

Category: Giveaways Page 1 of 2

Birthday Contest Winner: Beyond No. 3

Here are some more winners from my Birthday Blowout Contest! The first winners are here, more winners here, here, here, here, and here. This is the final winner announcement.

xAngelRose is the winner of the Beyond No 3 from Ophoria!!!

The Beyond No 3 has the esteemed place in my heart of being the first toy to give me a g-spot orgasm. It’s that good. It’s also one of my Top Toys and you can watch and read my review here.

A big huge thank you to Ophoria for supplying

Birthday Contest Winner: BAYD Harness and Beautifully Bare

Here are some more winners from my Birthday Blowout Contest! The first winners are here, more winners here, here, here, and here. I have one more winner to announce and that will be coming soon!

bailar_vivir who writes at Divergent Dance wins the Bare As You Dare Harness AND Beautifully Bare Wet Naturals Lube from Tabu Toys!

The BAYD Harness is one of my Top Toys and just generally fantastic..
You can read my BAYD Harness review here and my Beautifully Bare review here.

Thanks so much again to Tabu Toys for supplying these wonderful products!

Birthday Contest Winner: Bob

Here are some more winners from my Birthday Blowout Contest! The first winners are here, more winners here and here. I still have a couple more winners to announce so there will be more coming soon.

LELO Bob from PinkCherry Sex Toys! Bob is also one of my Top Toys and a great cute little butt plug! You can read my review here.

The winner of the LELO Bob is Beautiful Dreamer!

Birthday Contest Winners: Tantus Products

Here are some more winners from my Birthday Blowout Contest! The first winners are here, more winners here and here. I still have a few more winners to announce so there will be more coming soon.

Five winners of six products from Tantus! From left to right above:

  1. virgolotus is the winner of the Alumina Motion!
  2. Lisa wins the wonderful Curve (Purple color)!
  3. wilhelminawang wins Techno (Peacock color) to go with her Peacock Echo
  4. luscious_lily is the winner of Acute (Pink Pearl color)
  5. naughtyeliot wins the Infinity Combo (Pink color)

Next up… LELO Bob from PinkCherry Sex Toys!

Birthday Contest Winner: Candy Apple Restraints

Here are some more winners from my Birthday Blowout Contest! The first winners are here, more winners here. I have a many more winners to announce so there will be more coming soon.

The winner of the Candy Apple Wrist Restraints from Babeland is Elizabeth aka blessed_harlot!

This is one of the gifts I’m jealous of, I don’t have these and want them! I’ve played with them in the Babeland Seattle store, so I know they’re quality, and I think they’re absolutely gorgeous.

Coming up next… five winners of Tantus products!

Birthday Contest Winners: Lust Cosmetics Mini-Kits

Here are some more winners from my Birthday Blowout Contest! The first winners are here. I have a many more winners to announce so there will be more coming soon.

The three winners of the three mini-kits (three items each) from Lust Cosmetics are:
and SweetSpiced!

A big huge thank you to Lust Cosmetics for providing these kits and just generally being awesome!

Jennifer was amazing and sent me a birthday gift of some of her products (and a kick-ass tshirt!) as well, so look for those reviews on Wanton Lotus soon!

Coming up next… Candy Apple Wrist Restraints from Babeland!

Birthday Contest Winners: ID Lubes and Wet Together

I’ve been a little slow getting out the winners of my Birthday Blowout Contest, mostly because I have been distracted by Marla since she moved here as is to be expected. The contest closed on Monday at noon, and here are the first two winners!

die_tryin is the winner of the Wet Together Lube from!!!

JackHoff01 is the winner of ID Glide and ID Juicy Wild Cherry lubes from PinkCherry Sex Toys!

Winners coming up next: Three winners of the three mini-kits from Lust Cosmetics!

Happy Birthday to Me – Have Some Presents!

from cakecentral

Today is my birthday, and since I love giving as much as I love receiving I decided to have a massive contest and give away tons of great products!!!

I asked just about every company I’ve worked with to be involved and got an overwhelming response! Pink Cherry, Babeland, Tabu Toys, Tantus, Ophoria,, and Lust Cosmetics all jumped at the chance to sponsor this huge birthday giveaway and I’m still waiting to hear from a few others so there may be even more prizes before the contest is over!

The Prizes

Bare As You Dare Harness AND Beautifully Bare Wet Naturals Lube from Tabu Toys! The BAYD Harness is one of my Top Toys, I absolutely love this small yet sturdy and versitile harness so I wanted to give one away. The Beautifully Bare lube is a great paraben- and glycerin-free lube You can read my BAYD Harness review here and my Beautifully Bare review here.

LELO Bob from PinkCherry Sex Toys! If you know me at all you know I’m a sucker for LELO products, Bob is also one of my Top Toys and a great cute little butt plug! You can read my review here.

Beyond No 3 from Ophoria! The Beyond No 3 has the esteemed place in my heart of being the first toy to give me a g-spot orgasm. It’s that good. It’s also one of my Top Toys and you can watch and read my review here.

Candy Apple Wrist Restraints from Babeland! (Note: Babeland only ships domestic). These are wonderful and gorgeous, I’m tempted to keep them all for myself but I would rather see a lucky winner get them!

Three mini-kits (three items each) from Lust Cosmetics who I haven’t actually worked with before but am going to have the ability to try the products I’m giving out as well. Ever since reading DominaDoll’s review I’ve been curious.

SIX products from Tantus! From left to right above:

  1. Alumina Motion – a gorgeous double-ended aluminum dildo. (Size: 1″ to 1 3/8″ diameter, 8.25″ long).
  2. Curve – Tantus’ newest dildo with a wider harness-compatable base and ridges along the g-spot curved toy. I own one and it’s wonderful though I’ve not yet reviewed it. (Size: 1 3/8″ diameter, 6″ long)
  3. Techno (Peacock color) – a gorgeous harness-compatable dildo/vibrator. The peacock color is possibly my favorite Tantus color. (Size: 1 3/8″ diameter, 7″ length)
  4. Acute (Pink Pearl color) – a g-spot curved hareness-compatable dildo (Size: 1.25″ diameter, 5″ long)
  5. Infinity Small (Pink Pearl color) – A cute little butt plug with a great tapered base (Size: 1.25″ diameter, 4″ long)
  6. Infinity Large (Pink Pearl color) – A slightly larger version of the Infinity (Size: 1.5″ diameter, 4.8″ long)

Wet Together Lube from! A lube designed for couples (there’s a “his” and “hers”), you can read Red’s review for a better idea of it.

ID Glide and ID Juicy Wild Cherry from PinkCherry Sex Toys! Both come in handy pump bottles which seems far superior to the squeeze bottles of old.

How To Enter

There are three ways for you to enter and the more you enter the more chance you have of winning!

Tweet about it
If you have a twitter account simply post:
RT @ScarletStSyr To celebrate my birthday I’m giving away some gifts to YOU! For rules & more info: RT to enter!
Your tweet MUST include @ScarletStSyr otherwise I won’t see it. Feel free to change around the text a bit as long as it still includes “RT @ScarletStSyr” something about the contest and the “” it will be counted. Only one RT per day (between 12am and 11:59pm Pacific Time) will be counted.

on this post, the contest info post on Wanton Lotus Reviews, or the info post on Pleasurists. Tell me about a sexy birthday experience you had or would like to have. You may comment up to three times total on one or more blogs but each comment must be a different experience/desire.

Give me a gift!
I’m not talking about buying me something, no no! Send me a virtual gift of some sort: a dirty limerick featuring me, send me a picture of the two of us photoshopped together or some other image-based entry, an erotic story featuring me, anything that you want to gift! Physical or monetary presents will not be accepted for the contest. Since I don’t want to be too greedy only one gift per person will be accepted. Email your gifts to lotus AT or DM or @reply me with them on twitter.


The greatest number of entries one person could have is twenty-five (25). Once an individual has won something they are ineligible to win further prizes.

Not all ways of entering are created equal. For each tweet you will be entered once (up to fourteen times), for each comment you will be entered twice (up to three times), and for each “gift” you will be entered five times (once). Think of it like your name being put in a hat each of those times so the more times you are entered the greater chance you have for your name being pulled!

The deadline to enter is Monday July 13th at noon Pacific Time however prizes will start being given out on Monday July 6th. Prizes will be given out once a day starting July 6th until all prizes are gone.

You must be willing to give me your address if you win (obviously).

Finally, a big huge thank you to the companies who are sponsoring this contest!

Regard Indiscret Set Giveaway on Wanton Lotus!

Image of the Regard Indiscret Set in action! More images to come on Thursday for Half-Nekkid Thursday.

I just posted my video review of the Regard Indiscret Set on my review site Wanton Lotus, and since Babeland was nice enough to let me give a set away I wanted to be sure to share it on here as well! I’m sure some of you who read this would love to get a Regard Indiscret Set of your very own! It’s super adorable, femme-y, sexy, and seductive. Information about the contest is below but you must go to the review to enter.

Contest Info

I love the Regard Indiscret Set so much that Babeland agreed I could give one away to one lucky reader!

All you have to do is comment here on the review on Wanton Lotus with your idea of a romantic and sexy night with your partner(s) (or desired or imagined or fantasy partner(s)).

You must have a valid email address on your comment and be within the U.S. because it’s sent directly from Babeland.

Contest ends March 27th at 11:59pm PST.

Go to the Wanton Lotus review to enter!

Much thanks to Babeland for letting me review and give away the Regard Indiscret Set!

banner_babeland Affiliates

LELO Toy Giveaway on Pleasurists!

Image is a slightly modified version of the header on the LELO Vimeo Group

Cross-posted from Pleasurists

Everyone loves LELO toys. Usually I stay away from sweeping generalizations like that, but I really think this one is true. Especially since they expanded their line to include their homme line, now no one has a reason not to love them!

In this very exciting contest Pleasurists is teaming up with LELO to not only give away an elegant LELO pleasure object, but a LELO pleasure object of your choice!

How does this work, you might ask? Well, basically you would want to go look at the LELO line of products and choose one product to focus your submission on. You can choose any product as long as it’s not part of the Luxe line. Choose Bo or Bob from the Homme line or Elise, Ella, Gigi, Iris, Lily, Liv, Luna, Mia, or Nea from the Femme line. To see what others have thought of various LELO products to help you choose one you can visit the LELO section of our All Reviews page.

Once you’ve chosen your pleasure object (and only one, mind you) then the real fun begins. To win you must submit something featuring your pleasure object of choice. It could be an essay about what you long to do with Lily, a photoshopped image of 12 Bob’s hidden around an otherwise vanilla room, an erotic story featuring Elise as the star, basically the sky’s the limit! The only trick is that you must remain anonymous which makes things a little more difficult.

The entries are anonymous because once the contest ends the entries will be published on Pleasurists for everyone to read and judge. The submission with the most votes wins the featured toy! You cannot let anyone know which submission is your own, but you can encourage people to come and vote. If you make any reference to the contents or type of your submission before or after the voting request is published or hint at it in any way you will be disqualified.

Submission Requirements:

  • Email your submission to scarletsexgeek AT by Friday April 10th at 11:59pm PST.
  • Remain anonymous in your submission. Nothing must be able to give away the fact that you are the creator.
  • Post a review of the product once you receive it, which would be featured on the next issue of Pleasurists.
  • You must be willing to give out your mailing address in order to win. The winning toy will be sent directly from LELO right to your door!

Official contest post on Pleasurists

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