Pleasure is my business, my life, my joy, my purpose.

Birthday Contest Winner: Bob

Here are some more winners from my Birthday Blowout Contest! The first winners are here, more winners here and here. I still have a couple more winners to announce so there will be more coming soon.

LELO Bob from PinkCherry Sex Toys! Bob is also one of my Top Toys and a great cute little butt plug! You can read my review here.

The winner of the LELO Bob is Beautiful Dreamer!


Birthday Contest Winners: Tantus Products


Pleasurists #38


  1. I just know you’re going to do a review of this, BD. :-p

    Can’t wait to read it. Congrats!
    .-= Eliot´s last blog ..Friday linkage II =-.

  2. Beautiful Dreamer

    *squeels with delight* Thank you sooo very much! I can’t wait to try it & then I will definitely post a review of it!
    .-= Beautiful Dreamer´s last blog ..Tantus Delta =-.

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