Pleasure is my business, my life, my joy, my purpose.

Three (HNT)


Pushing a little late on the HNT side for this week, but I wanted to sneak in an image from the weekend Marla was up here not too long ago. There will be stories from that weekend as well, but this is the first hint into it.

The arm on top is Onyx’s, his hand is caressing Marla’s cunt while she lay on her back. Her thigh is in the middle, I was between her legs and taking the picture, the handprint on my thigh is from her hand. She knows just how to hit to make the prettiest marks though they don’t last too long just long enough for my crazy pasty-pink skin to raise in a hand-shaped welt.

This picture was from our first night spent all together, from some of the first sexual moments we shared together. Everything that happened is still to come.


The Day & Parting: The End of the Beginning


Pleasurists #34

1 Comment

  1. SO HOT! I’m looking forward to hearing the stories! From the looks of it, things went REALLY well! =)

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