Pleasure is my business, my life, my joy, my purpose.

New Year's Eve HNT

For the HNT this week we’re supposed to choose our favorite HNT from the year. I’ve done 18 since I started participating in Half-Nekkid Thursdays back at the end of July. I can’t just decide on one, so I’m going to show a few that I particularly loved.

Scarlet Seductions

My first HNT that I think captures a lot about me within it. Original post here.

Baby Dyke

A picture of me from way back in 2002. Short hair, corset, my trademark leopard print coat. Kind of a wonderful way of looking back at my past for me, and one of my favorite photographs of me as well. Original post here.


A little sexy, a little exposed, a little femme. What else is there to say? Original post here.

HNT Fabulous Fishnets   HNT Fabulous Leopard Coat
Other somewhat “quintessential me” pictures. This is kind of how I see me: fishnets, scarlet corset, leopard print coat. All me. Original post here.


Pleasurists #10


Happy New Year!

1 Comment

  1. Great choices!! :) HHNT & Happy New Year!

    Beautiful Dreamer’s last blog post: HNT: 2008 Favorite.

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