Pleasure is my business, my life, my joy, my purpose.

Sex Toys and Videotape

Note: there’s nothing really in here about videotape, I was just amused by myself at the title. I know, it’s kind of lame, but I’m often easily amused and also having a big can’t-think-of-a-better-title moment. That is all.

You may have noticed there have been a lot more reviews around here lately, or just a lot more things to do with sex toys in general. In part this started when I started Pleasurists, my weekly adult product round-up, but really it started before that when I started reviewing for Vibe Review, and right before them Eden Fantasys (though those were EF-on-site reviews not blog-based reviews, I was contacted by EF later about writing blog-based reviews for them). My love of sex toys was rekindled, I hadn’t really bought many in the few years prior, but I already had quite a few.

I love reviewing toys, I’ve come to realize, and I love being around toys and teaching others about them. I love helping others connect with their sexuality in general, but specifically sex toys are something I’ve been connected with for many years now. I’ve come to think that is what I will want to do with my life in some way or another. I mentioned this briefly before but I’ve been thinking about it ever since then.

I’m not sure if it would be a better idea to open my own store and site or to just try to work for one of the ones I love so much that are already established. I think it would depend on if I could get a job with one, as I know competition is rather high! It seems that a lot of getting a job with toy companies is who you know, so here’s to this blog helping me with that.

I’ve recently joined a few new reviewer programs, as you may have noticed from the new links and banners within them, Babeland and SexToy.Com as well as Vibrator.Com which I don’t have a review up for yet, but one will go up this Friday. You may be asking yourself: how many review programs does one femme need? To which my greedy reply would be, of course: as many as possible. However, there have been some other developments than just gaining programs.

I was recently suspended from Vibe Review‘s program because no one has bought toys from them through my affiliate link, even though I get quite a few hits on it, just no sales. I can understand this position since, after all, it is a business first and foremost and not just meant to give me toys, but I’m definitely disappointed because I really enjoyed working with VibeReview and would love to continue working with them.

I can continue reviewing once some purchases have been made through my affiliate link, so I’m asking you all, if you have a toy that you’re planning on buying from VibeReview, please click through my affiliate link with VibeReview before purchasing the product with them so that you may read more reviews on here from them and generally help me out! If you don’t know what product to get feel free to email me or comment with some ideas about what you are looking for and I can suggest one, or look through my past reviews for some ideas of what you might want to buy.

Also: the affiliate proceeds from any toys you buy through my affiliate link will be donated x2 to The Butterfly Temptress Cancer Fund, so in addition to helping me out by clicking through my affiliate link you would also end up basically donating part of your sex toy purchase to help her out as well!

Also, speaking of The Butterfly Temptress Cancer Fund, Babeland is allowing affiliates to donate their December affiliate proceeds as well, and so all of my affiliate proceeds from any toys you by in December through my Babeland affiliate link will go to The Butterfly Temptress and her battle with stage four cervical cancer. I’m rather poor at the moment, but I’d rather the money go to her so that she has a better chance of recovering!

Then there’s this mess with EdenFantasys which I’m really not sure how I feel about yet. I’m sure I’ll post about it once I have sorted everything out.


Review: Good Dyke Porn


Pleasurists #5

1 Comment

  1. Beautiful Dreamer

    Oh how I want to review for….. They seem like a great company. Congrats on all of the new places and sorry about Vibe Review… :(

    I look forward to your sex toy reviews in the future!!

    Beautiful Dreamer’s last blog post: Fleshlight Cleaning

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