Now, I don’t usually re-post things like this, however this situation is absolutely ridiculous! The wonderful and gorgeous Catalina, who I am now working on a couple projects with and have been getting to know over the last few months, is in need of some help.

The short of it is: Catalina left her teaching job early this year due to a lifestyle conflict with the administration and in order to avoid a public scandal. Her teenage daughter still attends the school, and the only way she is able to attend this private institution is through the agreement Catalina made when she left. Her daughter is able to remain at the school paying tuition with the faculty discount because “all faculty are offered one more year for their children at the faculty tuition discount as a way to avoid disrupting their children’s lives too much.” This seems reasonable, no? However, the administration has decided that they needed to add a large amount of fees onto her bill as well (for the first time) which is due in the next week. You can read the full tale here, which is much more detailed.

Now to the helping part. While Catalina is in need she is not asking for something for nothing. In addition to getting the happiness of being able to contribute and help a horrible situation if you donate you also get the chance to win prizes. “Catalina’s Emergency Tuition Fund Raffle” is what she’s calling it and every $10 you donate buys you a raffle ticket. There are some great prizes donated by Lochai and Ellie Lumpesse that I’m sure many of you would love to have (I know I would!).

Go to her website for the full information and all the details on how to enter the raffle!