Rori from Between My Sheets is putting together a top Sex Bloggers of 2008. Here’s the info, direct from her site:

I was recently named on a list of the Top 100 Female Bloggers. I’m one of the few (possibly the only, I’m not done reading) erotica bloggers on the list. I’m honored to represent this category of blogging, but I feel like I’m just one in a sea of amazing erotica bloggers.
We talk about sex. We get people off. But we’re so much more. We’re some of the most honest bloggers out there, and the topics we’re discussing aren’t only about aiding masturbation.
So, I’m creating my own list – The Top Sex Bloggers of 2008.

I’d like your help. This list is going to be based on three things:
1. My personal opinion of the site (20%)
2. Your “ratings” (ie, PR, Alexia, etc) and survival rate (ie, how long your blog’s been alive) (20%)
3. Your fans, which I’ll take from who all nominated you below and the comments on your site (60%)

I have some very clear ideas in my mind as to who needs to make the top 100 list, but the Internet is huge and there are a lot of amazing blogs I’ve not read yet. So, I’m counting on you to nominate them!

Now, personally, I don’t think I’m as much a sexy blogger as I am just a sex blogger. Though, that would also depend on the definition of sexy. I think I approach things from an analytical side rather than an eloquent side, and me posting this is not me asking for a nomination. I’m not saying you can’t nominate me, I’m just not asking for it. But I know that many of you who come to my site are people who also frequent many other sex blogs, so, go nominate!

Nominate Some Sexy Bloggers!