Pleasure is my business, my life, my joy, my purpose.

Tag: HNT

Cleavage Decoration (WW)

This week Wanton Wednesday has a theme: cleavage. I figure in order to show my cleavage I also have to show the things I decorate them with daily.

I love necklaces, all types of jewelry really. I am nearly always wearing three necklaces these days. The two that are pictured are spiritual ones: the lower one is a tree of life, the upper one is two pendants on one chain (an Om symbol and a Star of Babalon). The third is a celtic heart with a garnet in the middle which Onyx gave to me quite some time ago and is, essentially, my collar.

On September 23rd I got two new piercings to decorate my cleavage. They are microdermals, basically an L-shaped bar that sits under the skin.

I love this shot too much not to include it, pardon the blurryness

Click to see who else is playing this week…

Baking is Science (WW)

If you read Questionable Content then you will already be well aware of the awesome “Baking is science for hungry people” shirts and aprons they produce. It’s in reference to this comic strip and is similar to something I’ve been saying for years. Needless to say I wanted it.

Onyx has often remarked about needing to get me an apron since I have a tendency to cook in the nude. Well, I have the tendency to do everything in the nude and only put clothes on if I need to leave the house. So, voilà, the apron arrived yesterday.

I was making eggs for breakfast today and decided to put it on, though I was the only one home. Since it is Wednesday I thought a perfect way to commemorate the event of the first use of my new apron was to make it into a geeky WW.

In case you’re wondering that’s the Periodic Table of Wine behind me on the wall and the Periodic Table of Mixology is right above it.

Spiral Stair Corset 3 (WW)

My last of three Wanton Wednesday posts from a shoot I did two weeks ago now. You can also view the first or the second in case you missed either. I took these myself using my tripod and camera remote. Finally you can see more of the entire ensemble! These more than any of the previous ones highlight the difference between this batch of corset pictures and when I wore the corset before.

Finally, also, you get to see the bottom of the stairs. Well, the railing at least.

P.S. I know the first and third images are similar, but I love them both and I couldn’t decide!

Spiral Stair Corset 2 (WW)

Here is the second of three posts for Wanton Wednesday from a shoot I did last week. I was trying to highlight the staircase more in these ones. They didn’t turn out exactly as I wanted them to, but I love both of these shots anyway.

Spiral Stair Corset 1 (WW)

I haven’t done a Wanton Wednesday post in a long time. True to form I’m sneaking in right at the last minute.

Tonight when I was trying on one of my old corsets to see if it would fit. When I discovered it did indeed fit (for the first time in about two years) I decided it was worthy of some pictures. I’ve worn this corset before in pictures here, and it actually fits better than it did then. I hadn’t tried it on in a while. Also, I crocheted the shawl myself.

As for the location, we moved at the beginning of August. We’re now in a one bedroom plus loft rather than simply a one bedroom. We have these wonderful spiral stairs in our apartment and I’ve been wanting to take photographs on them since we moved in. We’ve also been wanting to fuck on them since we moved in which we finally did last night.

I’ll be posting more from this set in the next two weeks. These all were taken at the top of the stairs and those were taken at the bottom. I took all of these myself using my tripod and my camera remote.

Those of you who follow me on Twitter have already basically seen the one above, I turned it into my twitter picture immediately once it was on my computer. There are two more below.

Vaguely Artistic (Wanton Wednesday)

The Seattle Erotic Arts Festival (SEAF) is this weekend, and Onyx and I already have our passes. This will be the first SEAF we have attended and in honor of that and the first Wanton Wednesday I have participated in our shots this week are our erotic art.

Truthfully, I was taking quite different pictures when Onyx got home and interrupted my photo session so we took these instead. I quite like how they turned out. I recently re-dyed my hair purple and wanted to show it off, but only one of the pictures where I was trying to do so actually turned out.

Pictures are below the cut.

WW is the brainchild of Dangerous Lilly (who I was fortunate to meet last weekend and is fantastic!)

To see all participants or participate next week click the button.

“Do you feel like sometimes you want to be a little more than just half naked? A bit more than just slightly suggestive? For the weeks you want to play with the wicked & wanton crowd, feel free to join us on Wednesdays. Rules? Just one. Put that button up there in your post, link to here and most importantly let us know you’re playing along each week by commenting on the current WW post! Other than that…..have fun ;)”

Quyn (HNT)

While I was in Juneau I bought a sports bra which is smaller than recommended for my breast size. I bought it for the sole purpose of using it as a binder, turning my large breasts into a still-large-but-slightly-smaller chest. I wore it while performing in Julius Caesar and quite a bit around Juneau in general.

I haven’t worn it too much since I’ve been back in Seattle, partially because on days I know I won’t be doing much outside the house I tend to wear things that are comfortable and loose, partly because I have been feeling rather femme lately whenever we have decided to go out, and partly because I’m not completely comfortable showing off this masculine identity to the world yet.

The last few days, however, I’ve been feeling more and more like binding, packing, changing my gender presentation to one that is more masculine. I woke up this morning and just knew I was going to bind.

I’m still not comfortable enough going out here. Juneau was more comfortable, but less comfortable for other things. I don’t know this part of myself well enough to show it to people here yet, but I’m working on it.

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