Pleasure is my business, my life, my joy, my purpose.

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Call for Submissions: Trans Sex Magic Anthology

Trans Sex Magic: Pleasure and Power Embodied

Edited by Tai Fenix Kulystin
Published by Mystic Productions Press

Trans magic is powerful and trans people are magic. Too often we are desexualized or hypersexualized, written about rather than written for, and our sexuality only discussed through invasive questions. In discussions of magic, sex magic included, we are ignored or forgotten, the queer multiplicity of our bodies and beings erased by cis narratives. With Trans Sex Magic, we want to explore the sacred ways that we, as trans people, experience sexuality. We celebrate trans magic in all of its forms and seek to present a wide range of embodied perspectives on existing as trans. We recognize and claim the power inherent in trans bodies and the depth and breadth of pleasure we can experience within them. What do you have to share? Our lives, bodies, and relationships are beautiful and our stories deserve to be heard.

Authors are invited to write 2-8 pages (approximately 1500-4000 words) about their own theories, rituals, stories, poems, or personal experiences pertaining to Trans Sex Magic. Artists are invited to submit artwork relevant to the topic as well.

Topics could include themes of:

  • The Magic of Trans Sexuality
  • Gender and Sex Magic
  • Queer/Trans Sacred Sexuality
  • Trans Embodiment
  • The Magic & Power of Trans Pleasure
  • Desire & Magic
  • Experiences of Race, Ability, Socioeconomic Status, Age, Size, etc. and Trans Sex Magic
  • QTBIPOC Magic & Sexuality
  • Two-Spirit Magic & Sexuality
  • Trans Grey-A/Asexual Magic
  • Kink Magic
  • Sex Work & Magic
  • Trans Sexual Politics & Magic
  • Colonization, Oppression, and Sex Magic
  • Claiming Your Gender through Magical Sexual Experiences
  • Sex Magic, Embodiment, & Dysphoria
  • Sexy Sacred Trans Story Time/Sacred Erotica/Personal Anecdotes
  • Working with Trans Godds
  • Rituals Celebrating Trans Sexuality
  • …and more

This anthology primarily has an English-language focus, with multi-lingual entries welcome on a case by case basis. Artwork and visual media are welcome. Fiction is not appropriate to this project.

Who Should Contribute:

All those who feel they fit into the multitude of trans identities (e.g. trans woman/feminine, non-binary, trans man/masculine, two-spirit, genderqueer, gender fluid, gender fabulous, gender non-conforming, gender variant, all genders outside a western cisgender paradigm, etc.) and who practice sex magic, sacred sexuality, or have experiences with sexuality and magic (of any/all spiritual paths, or lack thereof), are all welcome to submit.

We especially invite and encourage BIPOC trans writers, trans fem(me)/feminine writers, AMAB non-binary writers, and disabled trans writers to submit. Writers from outside the US are encouraged to submit.

We are not interested in policing your identity or gatekeeping who is trans or not, and so we trust that those who send in submissions will do so in good faith. If you believe you belong in this anthology, you do. If you hope you belong in this anthology, you do (you are trans enough).

How To Contribute:

Send a one-paragraph summary of what you want to write about to before November 1st, 2019.  Also include up to one paragraph about yourself as the author.

Why the summaries first?  A book of only one type of entries would not show the diversity of Trans Magic theory, rituals, and experiences taking place in our community and behind closed doors. Rather than asking you to complete a piece first, we ask for the spark of an idea that you would like to bring into being for this anthology. Summaries also are often easier for those who are not regularly published. Please specify if the proposed work has been previously published digitally or in print form (this will not disqualify work, simply provide information).

Once summaries have been accepted, authors will have until February 1st, 2020 to get their rough draft in. New authors will be worked with throughout the process to help share their unique story with the world.

Are you ready to tell your tale of Trans Sex Magic? Do you have any questions? Email


Authors will receive at least $25* and 1 finished copy of the book upon completion, have their biographies listed in the book, have wholesale access to the project, and retain rights to their work.

*The editor would like to pay contributors more than this and is looking into potential funding options to be explored in greater depth as the project unfolds.

One Week Top Surgery Post-Op

I’m a week into recovery and all I want is to be able to sleep laying on my stomach. Not for another 3 weeks… (okay, that’s not *all* I want, but it’s a start… also stretching my arms above my head, oh do I miss that, too!)

Most of the days since surgery have been pretty easy, with a couple exceptions for cranky moments and hard things. I’m super grateful to everyone who brought or bought me foods, especially in the first few days. Having food show up without me having to think much about it was so great and really really useful. And the folks who came over to care for me have been absolutely the best. Your company made the days go faster. You have helped me feel loved and cared for and knowing I could ask for something if I needed it has been so helpful. I still have a few more meals and a few more folks signed up, and I’m super grateful to you, too, and everyone who has read my posts in here and commented support. Lots of gratitude.

Wednesday, Stian helped me shower (yay! Finally!) and we removed the pad and bandage around my chest for likely the last time. I was told at the post-op appointment that I could remove the bandage once it stopped draining, and the bandage we removed yesterday was basically clean. I had previously only really had two chances to see my new chest, when changing the bandage. The last day and a half or so has been a strange and new version of surgery recovery, and also the most emotional so far.

With the bandage off, the physical reality of surgery has hit me. I’ve read about post-surgery depression, which happens with all types of surgery not just trans ones, and so I expected some of that given that my brain is used to depressed places. Expecting it and experiencing it, of course, are different. I’ve had all the emotions around surgery and I’m sure I’m not done. All the pre-surgery questions have come back, not surprisingly. I’m trying really hard to keep my ever-critical Virgo-rising eye from now obsessing over how my new chest looks because I know how it is now is not how it will be. I’m barely a week into healing and I haven’t even seen the areola shape yet as I still have the steri strips on the incisions. Still, though, my brain is a fun overly critical anxious and depressed place, so I’ve been going all the worst places.

At the urging of one of my main care team folks, I read a few different narratives of post top surgery depression that I could find yesterday, and my care person today is someone who has had top surgery, so I’m planning on chatting with him about it. It has been useful to remind myself this is normal, that it is okay, that I won’t feel this way forever, but it is still challenging. I hoped that all the doubt and uncertainty would go away with surgery and that I would love looking down at my new chest and feel so satisfied and content with it. Even though I also knew that wasn’t going to happen right away and that there would be a period of adjustment and likely depression, part of me still hoped I could bypass that somehow. I hoped everything would click into place the way I felt after my first shot of T. Though, I must have forgotten my slow process with that, as well, and the months long break I took about six months in and the struggle and uncertainty there because of how right it feels now.

I am not binary, and that also makes all medical transition more complicated (I think… which is also not to say it isn’t complicated for binary trans folks as well). My genderqueerness means there is no ideal chest, exactly, except for the one I choose. It does not need to look like a “man’s chest” (though, also, there are billions of right ways for a chest to be a man’s chest and tons of variation there, so wtf does that mean, anyway? But also, you know what I mean) nor a “woman’s chest,” (see previous parenthetical statement) and indeed it is neither of those things. It’s mine. It is a genderqueer chest by nature of being on the genderqueer body of a genderqueer person.

The physical reality is still hitting me, and it will likely keep coming. I must build a new relationship with my new chest. I can’t assume the old ways we were together still hold. We have to find new ways of being together, as in the aftermath of any traumatic experience (which surgery certainly, literally, is). And some of that process will be grieving. And some of that process will be gender euphoria. And some of that process will be pleasurable. And some of the process will be terrible. All of the process will be slow.

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