Basic Standing Position
cuntpet stands with legs 4″ apart, head up, eyes down, arms behind back with palms crossed.
Voice Command – Stand or Up
Hand Command – open hand moved up

Basic Kneeling Position
cuntpet kneels with back straight, knees together, arms behind back with wrists crossed, head up, and eyes down.
Voice Command – Kneel
Hand Command – open hand moved down with fingers together

Basic Sitting Position
cuntpet sits with her knees bent and legs spread and crossed at the ankles, palms on knees, back straight, head up, and eyes slightly down.
Variation, when instructed to sit on a chair or object:
cuntpet sits with back straight, knees about 2 1/2″ apart, hands on legs, palms down, head up, and eyes slightly down.
Voice Command – Sit
No hand Command unless Master points to an object to sit in

on all fours cuntpet crawls on hands and knees, keeping head lowered, ass high in the air. cuntpet crawls to Master unless he indicates another object or destination.
Voice Command – Crawl
No hand Command unless Master points to a destination for cuntpet

Kneeling spread
cuntpet kneels with legs spread as wide as possible, feet together, chest pushed out, head up, eyes down, and hands behind head with fingers locked.
Voice Command – Kneel spread
Hand Command – open hand moved down with fingers spread between middle and ring finger

Kneeling spread with hands behind back
cuntpet kneels with legs spread as wide as possible, feet together, chest pushed out, head up, eyes down, and hands behind back with wrists crossed
Voice Command – Kneel behind
No Hand Command

Kneel Up
cuntpet kneels with thighs together, back straight, head high, eyes lowered, hands resting at her side
Voice Command – Kneel Up
Hand Command – closed fist moved up

All Fours
cuntpet gets on hands and knees head straight out, back slightly arched, ass slightly elevated.
Voice Command – All Fours
Hand Command – closed fist moved down

Face down
cuntpet kneels with knees tucked under chest, head bowed, arms straight in front by head, and palms down
Voice Command – Face Down or Down
Hand Command – Open Hand moved down with fingers apart

Lay down
cuntpet lays on stomach, face down, arms above head, legs spread
Voice Command – Lay Down
Hand Command – Open Hand moved from side to side

Lay Down Back
cuntpet lays on back with arms above head, legs spread, face up, eyes down.
Voice Command – Lay Back
No Hand Command

cuntpet stands with legs wide apart, breasts pushed out, hands locked behind head, head up, and eyes down
Voice Command – Inspection
No Hand Command

Items are displayed in the following order – Breast, Pussy, Ass, and Mouth. Offers each item in the appropriate order for viewing by her Master she then waits for a nod or acknowledgement from her Master before continuing to the next item
Voice Command – Display
Hand Command – closed fist moved into an open hand with fingers spread

This is a command to do a detailed examination of the cuntpet’s body. It is the most detailed inspection command and is composed of 4 positions to be done in the following order and on command: When the command “Examination” is issued, cuntpet lays on back as detailed below. After Master inspects cuntpet in that position Master will issue the following commands and examine the cuntpet in each following position.
1) “Back” cuntpet lays on back, legs spread wide, arms above head, and palms up.
2) “Front” cuntpet lays on stomach, with legs spread wide, arms above head, and palms down.
3) “Cunt” cuntpet lays on back, with knees bent, legs spread, and opens her cunt with her hands for examination.
4) “Anal” cuntpet kneels with butt resting on knees, head down, reaching back to spread ass cheeks for examination.

Punishment Position (Knees)
cuntpet kneels with knees tucked under chest, head bowed, and hands by head.
Voice Command – Punishment Kneeling
No Hand Command

Punishment Position (Standing)
cuntpet bends over and grabs legs with hands behind calves or ankles.
Voice Command – Punishment Standing
No Hand Command

Go to
This is for focusing, studying, or to feel ownership. It is also a place sent when not in use by her Master. This is a place of comfort and relaxation. There is no one position for this command accept that she sits on the floor and remains quiet until needed by her Master.
Voice Command – Go to (location) or Go to your place (meaning resting at Master’s feet)
Hand Command – point to the place

cuntpet walks at the right of Master 3-4 spaces back.
Voice Command – Follow
Hand Command – Master slaps the side of his thigh with his hand while they are walking

cuntpet is to retrieve object(s) using only her mouth
Voice Command – Fetch (object)
No Hand Command

cuntpet kneels to the left and just behind Master, thighs parted, back straight, head high, eyes lowered, awaits further instruction.
Voice Command – Heel
No Hand Command

Heel Standing
cuntpet stands to the left of her Master and just behind, eyes lowered, hands crossed at small of back, and awaits further instruction.
Voice Command – Heel Standing
No Hand Command