I’ve put off posting about my lovely friend The Butterfly Temptress, not because I don’t want to help, but because every time I think about posting to talk about her battle with cancer and the lack of help she is receiving from the medical community I have a hard time actually writing it. In some ways, posting makes it more real, and I have to think about the possibility of losing this wonderful woman, something that I hope will not happen for many many decades.

The problem is that she falls between the cracks in our medical system, something that needs great reform, part of one candidate’s priorities, and yet another reason to vote on November 4th. She makes too much to get government aid, but is under-insured and doesn’t make enough so her medical bills are not covered. She has stage IV cervical cancer that has spread throughout her system, and without proper treatment it will continue ravaging her body.

Her series Life. Love. Cancer. is being posted on Best Sex Bloggers and the sex blogger commUNITY is coming together to support her. She’s not one to ask for help often, but with so much on the line and the potential of not being able to watch her children grow up or grow old with her Knight, we are all asking for help along side her.

The wonderful sex toy company VibeReview is allowing their affiliates to donate their November commissions to The Butterfly Temptress Cancer Fund. Not only will they donate the commissions, but they are also going to match any donations made by affiliates.

Some of the ways you can help: